Preview Rhythms Of The Soul Poems by Jyotirmaya Thakur


The renowned poetess, Mrs. Jyotirmaya Thakur, has come up with another collection from her poetic rosary, named as Rhythms of The Soul. These poems are thematically concerned with the most beautiful feeling on this Earth- “love” And when one writes genuine love poems, both heart and soul work in tandem.

Naturally, the poetess has bared her heart and soul in pouring down on paper the pearls of loving creativity.

The poetess feels and visualizes love in any object, whether temporal or divine. Otherwise, who could write like this: “Love is like mugs of hot cocoa, sweet and strong in every sip, Hot marshmallows melting, as dreams do too” (Love Forever).

Such a sweet, simple and unique definition of love dazzles the reader. Like the definition, her grammar of love is beyond the normal when she says: “My grammar of love breaks free disrobed. I surrender all my sacred stars” (Break Free).

Not only this, she considers herself “incomplete” in love which is very natural. She aptly describes herself as: “In syllables of love brimming, like words that dance on blank paper, Portrait on your canvas incomplete” (Incomplete).

Teenage love defies definition. It is rather difficult to qualify teenage love as “love” only or “physical attraction” But in any case, the effect of this Love is just magical.

Preview Rhythms of the Soul Poems by Jyotirmaya Thakur Book

Preview Rhythms of The Soul Poems by Jyotirmaya Thakur describe that the poetess has touched this form of love in beautiful words: “Those days were the best, Snuggled to a loving breast, Everything simple and fine, In candlelight dinner wine, Whispers of love divine” (Drifting Apart). She doesn’t stop here. In that period: “All that feeling without caution, pouring emotions in cauldron” (Drifting Apart).

Really it is just like that! Emotions are poured into a cauldron and what happens after churning into cauldron depends on person to person!

The poetess has touched upon very basic issues concerning the theme of love. In all her purity and simplicity, she avers: “Love me like an ordinary being”; and further: “Don’t compare me with full moon, or stars that shine too soon, or fragrant flowers that bloom, No romantic gestures of buffoon”(Wrap Me).

Most appealing lines, indeed! True love blossoms in such ambience only.
Is writer’s love is different from other kinds of love? Not exactly. But the poetess has expressed the difference so minutely as: “A broken branch of a tree, my heart still beats within a twig, hoping in a fragile undertaking, tear drops mixed with frosty flakes falling.(Writer’s love).

The poetess’ expression that her heart still beats within a twig is a captivating imagery and a novel one.

Totally engrossed in love, the poetess implores her lover not to leave her: “Don’t leave me alone for a second, for my shadows dissolve in your essence, your silhouette balance my true presence, Without you I would be lost in an instant” (Don’t Leave me).

Here again, the poetess has penned down heart touching lines saying that her shadows dissolve in her lover’s presence! Her love is not ordinary. She clearly spells out that: “I know I will get burnt, helplessly drawn to your game, throwing myself to heartbreak, to fire, to sparks of real life rage”(Found Myself).

For the poetess, the presence of her lover is sacred one. She says: “In the garden there is a place, where your presence, among the red roses grace, thorns pick me, when I sit there alone, petals bleed with me, when my tears are done” (Sacred Presence).

In a most amusing way, the poetess has described her lover as a pilot when she avers: “My lover in daydreams appears as the pilot, of my paper airplane flying to a destination, Unknown without any answer to questions” (Liberated).

She also embellishes her lover’s persona by describing him as her “calm seas of vocabulary”, “Dawn of lyrics”, “layers of warmth”, “theme of all stories” and “anchor for my ship”. Her poetic mind and heart find new imageries every time she wants. But at the same time, the poetess does not flinch from accepting the reality of life. That is why she says: “Our love story is still unfolding” and calls her love initiative as “Unfinished Business”.

The poetess is a passionate lover of environment. This time she has penned a touching poem on Australian Bushfires. She expressed herself in this way: “Fears escalating with exhausting breaths, Animals and birds scorched to death, Forest fire with vengeance dealt, teetering on the rim innocence forever slept”(Hungry Fire).

She describes the onset of Spring as: “Spring brings rainbows in pastel colors, Buds opening up in bright hues of flowers” (Changing Sky).
Besides that the poetess has used exquisite and novel imagery which will certainly attract the readers’ eyes.

For example, “Barge of dreams set sails high and wide, Wind rushing more and more to set the tide” (A Spark) or “Beyond dark grey sky over the mountains, fairly visible on the summit Goddess resides” or “You appeared as velvet zephyrs touch”. There are many more such examples in the main text.

The poetess in this collection of poems has successfully woven the fabric of love in all it’s beauty and entirety laced with environmental carvings.

This time poetess has used the free verse medium of expression, yet it attracts the reader owing to fluency and subject -matter. The poetess deserves kudos for putting up such a bunch of roses out of her vast rosary of poems to the benefit of readers.

by Rakesh Chandra, Lucknow

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