Poems by Eity Mithila, Bangladesh

Your sea is your

Your sea is your,
Nobody is gonna row it for you!
If sudden storm comes
And you drawn or float, it’s your..

If you find gems, it’s your,
If you meet a snake, It’s also your,
You will have protect yourself
From all venoms around…

If you discover a island,it’s your,
If there’s fresh fruits,it’s your,
And if there is a horrible giant,
You have to face it alone..!

Never expect anyone
To overcome all these for you,
Anywhere in any way of your journey,
Cause your sea is your, only your…

© Eity Mithila



Can you see my nights?
How my lonely dawns pass,
How my heart fumbles for you,
Midnight stars, consoling my soul
Can you see them?

My eyes search you everywhere,
Every time I try to write,
My fingers write your name,
Can you say what’s the meaning
Of all these insane!

I can forget but the things you are in?
How can I force them to erase you?
From my ear, from my breath,
How can I erase you from my soul!

Wherever you are,
I know I am with you anyhow,
In any way my sigh is bothering you
Like an invisible shadow..

© Eity Mithila


How close we are

You are around,
Then again you are nowhere,
You are so close,
Again you are so far…

When I am alone,
I feel you are right inside me,
You are merged in my existence,
Loneliness grasp me that time,
When people are around…

When they start saying
That you are not here beside me,
My heart dries like desert you know?
I search you roaming around,
But nowhere you are!

Where do you loss in crowd?
Can’t you once come in front of them?
Holding my hands tell them loudly
That you are forever with me..!

I can see you but they don’t!
They don’t realize and they don’t want to,
Nobody can feel,
Right how close we are.

© Eity Mithila



How long more?
Today I am so tired!
I no more search shadow to take rest,
I just keep moving on
To reach the ending early..

Where no more running,
No waiting for the peace tree,
Where no emotion lives,
No wish or pain of breaking down..

After how long walking
Everything will sleep?!
Here brutal path sand is grasping
My feet at every step..

Getting more backward
Than how long moved forward,
How many more times I will be crashed?
It’s so hard moving on crawling!

© Eity Mithila



Every dawn,
When I open my eyes,
I feel,I fell in love right then,
Each day brings new feelings..

As fresh leaf comes,
As aromatic flowers bloom,
This love appears like this,
I feel fresh scents every morning.

Every day brings me you
With new colours and delight,
And it forces me to erase all,
As if there was no previous before..

A mystic purity,
Never let me feel any senility,
No dryness can ever touch,
As if some spiritual dew drops
Shower our hearts every night
To keep this love


 Eity Mithila soflay poetess


Dr. Eity Mithila is a poetess and short-teller from Bangladesh. She was born in 6 February 1993 in Dhaka in Bangladesh.She holds her Masters degree in English literature from University of Dhaka.Composing poetry is her passion and genres in which she is more interested are spiritual, love and romantic poetry. Moreover, she achieved awards, certificates and recognitions from different international literary and cultural platforms and institutions for her literary works. Her poems and short stories have been published in different literary sites , magazines, journals and anthologies around the world.

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