Poems by Alicia Minjarez Ramírez Dec 2023

Alicia-Minjarez-Ramirez Soflay

Alicia Minjarez Ramírez: Celebrated Poetess, Translator, Singer, and Esteemed University Professor

Alicia Minjarez Ramírez, an internationally acclaimed Mexican poetess and accomplished author, stands as a beacon in the literary world, garnering accolades and recognition across the globe. Her extensive list of honors includes the prestigious Nobel Laureate Kobi Rabindranath Tagore Award in 2019, demonstrating her profound impact on the poetic landscape.

With a remarkable career spanning various creative domains, Alicia has not only excelled in poetry but also in translation, singing, and university-level teaching. Her multifaceted talents have earned her the Excellence Prize in the World Poetry Championship in Romania, the Literary Prize of unpublished poetry “Tra le Parole e L’infinito” in Italy, and the Honorary Doctorate from the International Forum of Creativity and Humanity in Morocco.

Among her many international recognitions, Alicia proudly received the EASAL medal from the European Academy of Sciences and Letters in Paris, France, and was awarded the “Pride of the Globe” by WNWU in Kazakhstan. Her contributions to foreign poetry were acknowledged with an Honorable Mention in the International Prize Poseidonia Paestrum in Italy.

Alicia’s literary journey is adorned with distinctions such as the title of “Universal Inspirational Poet” from Pentasi B. World in India and a special mention and medal in the International Poetry Prize NOSSIDE, recognized by UNESCO. Notably, she secured a Third Place in French Poetry at the International Poetry Prize “Sous les traces de Léopold Sédar Senghor” in Milan, Italy, endorsed by the ONU and UNESCO.

Her poetic prowess extends beyond linguistic borders, with translations of her works available in 20 languages and featured in over 200 anthologies, magazines, and newspapers globally. Fluent in French, English, Italian, and Spanish, Alicia Minjarez Ramírez continues to leave an indelible mark on the world of literature, inspiring readers and aspiring poets alike.



Translation: Alaric Gutiérrez

Longing mitigates
the drunken night,
treasuring the imprint
abolished by desire
that breaks us
and brings together,
intrinsic fire
of profane verses
under the intrigue
of shadows.

Materiality keeps
our bodies tied up to
the lunar instant
of balsamic ether,
burning desires
falling apart
the mossy seduction
of having the absolute void.

You’re dust in the breeze
of my conscious being,
bringing delightful
and melodic essences

inside hollow fruit trees
of worn out headings.
Imprecise and sharp legend
of upcoming evenings,
barking at the sap sight.

Derange me, seduce me, drive me.
Like a consonant plunging
upon the rhetorical memory,
dialect upsetting and chaining us up
beyond our hands.

dementia without sanity
defining my earthly Nirvana,
meanwhile, I belong to you
under the remote
silence glass…
By rubbing your timely

© Alicia Minjarez Ramírez


Words predict
Liquid dawns
Your breath.
Faceless tears
Intercepting a wind
Of circumspect aphorisms,
Sparrows in flight.

Scoped sign upon
The pearls of your laugh,
Ambiguous illusions
I drown in your pipe dream.

Match up utopia
The memory of days,
Intolerable prose
In the fire of my blood.

Comets watching us
Conspiring over shadows
Of a present past,
Lost and found
Waterfalls in your forest,
Moon spells,
Fallen spells,
From your pen.

© Alicia Minjarez Ramírez


Translated by: Alaric Gutiérrez

There, where the wind fades away
The sky waves its own branches
Retouching icy mornings
In the shades
Blackbirds and pigeons flapping
And disturbing the sky
I aimlessly wander through
Every corner evokes
Spiral lines of perpetually
Ever written sonnets
Unveiled brides
Blur the color lines
Upon vacant altars
I become chrysalis
Under the chaos of progress
I extend my hands
And find only emptiness
Where do these streets lead me to
I try to jump over my shadow
Gradually move
From green to yellow
Exorbitant looks
Lacking everything
And nothing at all
In the swinging mist
Every step reflected upon
Its own reflection
When the twilight expands
I force myself to take shortcuts
That lead me nowhere
Broken hearts
Moon’s usurped glow
Yielding ghosts
To the impregnable shine
Of window cars
Stillness moves
Static seconds
Silence declines
I emigrate with no belongings
Brittle and gloomy spectrum
De-kernelling good-byes
My mind is on hold
Stars cry about
Humidity’s shortage
And eclectic rains
My voice drowns
Blink away
The ethereal fire of my eyes
I release myself from prejudice
I release myself
From body and soul
As nocturnal sun
Amidst the desert

© Alicia Minjarez Ramírez



I find myself
close – distant
to the zephyr breeze,
I question in vain.
Foggy solitudes,
dressed up as equinoxes
in perennial springs.

I require to silence
flooding words,
to silence tears
adorning my face.
Sadness dwelling
like a stowaway
in soul’s murky mirrors.

Absence afflictions
gradually succumb
between my barren hands.
to grasp into hope!
Reason outshines
the fragmented heart
and the bare silence
suffocates the stars.

Stars that won’t shine
upon nostalgia seas
taking away opacities
and a shattered mirror
where my reflection
fades away
right now.

Cracking in my own roots…
dark memories,
empty stealth,
and leaves
scattered on the ground.

© Alicia Minjarez Ramírez

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