A Review on The Anthology Soulful Musings


The anthology of poems constituted by you under the title “Raphsody of Reflections” is a poetic work of unique texture, artistic prowess, literary dexterity and imaginative vibrancy.
The 75 poems in question in this anthology reflect myriad sides of life in all their lovely manners and well-entrenched efficiency and effectiveness. These poems do bring forth the following salient features to the forefront such as the regenerative and positive side of life.
The beauty innate in nature, the mesmerizing nature of art works, the inspiration behind poetic endeavors, the backing up of one’s own abilities, the entangled ways of life, the peculiarities of life, the fortunes of life, the imaginative mindset of a writer, and the theory of fatalism.

Reflections on Life: A Tapestry of Experiences, Hopes, Challenges, and the Unheard Melodies

The tryst with destiny, the recollections of life, the life on a fast lane, the rosy side of life, the expectations and hopes of life, the pretentious nature of our society, the connoted and implied aspects of life, life as a journey of unending nature, and the unheard melodies are sweeter sort of environment.
The travails and vagaries of life, the blissful elements of life, the need to take care of oneself in this life of busy schedule, the hypocrisy of human beings, the trials and tribulations of life, the spiritual renditions of life, the existential crisis encountered by human beings, and the interconnected mode of life.
The fleeting nature of life, the transition of life from one state of affairs to the next, the rootedness of life and life as a mixture of joys and by chances.
These poems also dwell upon deeper issues which are fundamental in relation to the smooth functioning of a society. The other main characteristics of these poems are the ups and downs and ebbs and flows of life, the dilemmas of life, and the certainties and uncertainties of human society.
The devotion to the Ultimate Reality, the desertification faced by human beings in their personal lives, the sufferings and pains of life, the days of despondencies and lamentations, the transfixed nature of life, the revolutionary flavor existing in our society, life as a period of ruminations & the recuperating human traits.

Verses of Life: A Kaleidoscope of Societal Colors, Women’s Essence, and Poetic Perspectives

The multihued state of affairs prevailing in our society, the changeover of our lifestyles, trends and tendencies, the cardinal behavioral patterns of men, the need to play our cards close to our chests, the phenomenon called woman, the hope of a new era, and the manifold ways and means of women in general.
Women as the sum total of amorous emotion, the need for existence and sustainability of poetry in this world and the various shades and sizes of sound bytes that we come across in this life of eventful nature.
Through this poetic work, Jyotimayaji has taken poetry into the domain of sum and substance. These poems in this anthology clearly showcase life from multiple perspectives and angles.
Today, the poems of Jyotimayaji stand as beacons of hope for lakhs of people around the world because many of her poems do articulate their problems in a straight-forward and obvious fashion.Let her poetic journey reach in its Himalayan peak in days to come. My best wishes to her for holistic success in the field of poetry.
Review on The Anthology Soulful Musings by Cijo Joseph Chennelil Kuravilangad
All Copyrights Reserved@On 19th March 2018.

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