Poetess Marjeta Shatro – Rrapaj Albania

Poetess Marjeta Shatro - Rrapaj Albania


Marjeta Shatro – Rrapaj (Albania)


Marjeta Rrapaj was born on 15.12.1974 in Gjirokastra and grew up in a family with traditions. She is one of the contemporary Albanian poets. Rrapaj studied literature at the University of Gjirokastra and defended the French language at the University of Tirana. She is the author of 8 volumes of poetry. 2 poetic volumes published in France in French. 1 poetic volume published in English and Spanish and the latest volume published in 5 languages: Albanian, English, French, Italian, German. Her poems are a mixture of imagination with reality. In 2019 she receives the Alphonso G. Newcomer Poetry Train award U.S.A. and Canada for the poetic volume Vesta and the first price in the Festival of Poetry in Bulgaria.





* In the sea of my eyes, Milosao Publishing 2016
* Migration with twilight, Milosao Publishing 2017
* Flickering seagulls, Milosao Publishing 2017
* To be ever God’s smile Lulu.com 24.05.2018
* Nerthus, Geer Publishing 2018
* Nerthus Edilivre Publishing17.07.2019
* Vesta, Lulu.com.18.09.2019
* Hestia, Edilivre Publishing 26.09.2019
* Far from illusions Made in the USA Columbia, SC in 5 languages 26mars 2020


* Espalier with the wind, Geer Publishing 2020
* Poems by Abdelghani Rahmani Amazon.com 2020
* Poetic Melodies, Yayati Madan G Gandhi Groupe of Publication 16.06.2020
* Murmure d’un autre monde by Agron Shele AAbs Publishing house 2020
* Murmures fugaces by Muhammad Azram Amazon.com 2021
* Of a meeting to the other by Abdelghani Rahmani Amazon.com 2021
* Lettres de silence by Fernando Alonso Barahona Amazon.com 2021
* The return of Prometheus by Agim Desku Amazon.com 2021
* The indifferent fate by Jernail Anand


Emerald eyes of Life…

Eyes thirsty for life
With the colors of the waters
They devour the horizon
Touch the intangible borders of the Sun
To rise above the ephemerality of the everyday

They hear the cries of the centuries
That come with the echoes of the wind
Through beaks of birds tearing the air
To rebuild the present
On the traces of the old
Covered in oblivion
With rust cuffs
That tighten the pains of the times
That went with a storm
On the goals of patience

To seek and find the flame of thought
At random intersections of fate
Frozen in icons of the holy faith
For clarification and clarification of mysteries
Like unknown hieroglyphs of tomorrow
Under the melody of the waves
foaming with thunder

To reborn Venus
The shores of myths and legends
To amaze with forgotten souls
Back with the misty silence
That surrounds humanity
And with a magnificent view
It rules the skies of faith

Without allowing the modern Dantes to descend the stairs
To bring back “poor Beatrices”
who sleep in the dark world of Hades…


Rarely and often …

The sounds in the melody dissolve
like the rhetoric of whole-hearted fury
for stoic spirits,
an emblem theorem
with muse magic,
entangled sun and sky
in the decomposition of silence,
in the confusion of angels with horned devils,
crossroads where he sinks into the clutches of confusion,
seeking the light of life,
the pure soul and the spirit of the Spirit
with simplicity of love to greatness,
sworn for eternity
in letter walks
where innumerable dreams and illusions flow
of the apostles and saints of the word “Freedom”,
in endless war with oneself
without blindness from the fire of rage,
without movement instead of counting,
without total annihilation of desire,
with no memories flooded with tears
without visions with double dimensions,
no charges in limited silence
without abstractions of being
with sad ellipses,
but with life experiences
filled inequations,
inequalities, joys, sorrows,
enigmatic crossword puzzles,
echoes of soul cries,
seeking solutions, answers,
conclusions and closures.
Sighs time
for imbalances,
of sensibilities and thoughts
of man who behaves only like an electron,
but often as cation of anion
in the mysticism of worldliness with love and death.



As the sun lifts the veil of darkness
The soft, soft hands of love
Dispel thoughts of all malice
Erase the black clouds from the sky of the future
To be complete, all enlightenment
of sweet words of the holy spirit
Wasting away the emptiness
They often become wandering, without address
Burning at night, silent in memory
of the closed eyelids
To bring clarity to the crystalline dawn
Flowed into our world, always like a waterfall

Metamorphosis. ..

Although we have much to say
Thanks for the loneliness
To wash away the mistakes we did not make
With the quick judgment of the world
We plunge into the sea of despair
That we owe a lot to life
Then we gather ourselves
That time passes without feeling
And so we remain
Innocent life culprits


For you


How much you love me? No I don’t know!

Give a measure, a mountain, a height.

Will I believe you? No I don’t know!

How much I love you ,you love me too?

Tell me how you can, just as you know!

When the nostalgia spills into the eyes,

you suddenly flee ,suddenly you come

Why you play with me, I can’t figure it out.

With words games we start both,

suddenly silence, we talk with the eyes


I stop the time ,only for us both.

© Marjeta Shatro Rrapaj Albania

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